A Different Kind Of Hunger

Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz recently embarked upon a nine-day trip to Indonesia. He took with him more than 500 tons of luggage. That’s one million pounds! The air freight company that handled the assignment employed 572 workers to carry the load, which included...

Not My President!?

To advocate for change in a democracy (or even in a republic, like the U.S.), there’s a right way to express one’s views. And there’s a wrong way. One way: Stand up and scream “Not My President!” Better yet, lay down in the middle of a...

Hayley’s Comet

For those who prefer to condemn the performance of President Trump and his team since his administration took office, it might be nice for each of us to focus on the laser focused opening remarks of the new U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., Nikki Haley, former Governor of...

Drip, Drip, . . . Drip

In one of my recent blogs, I marveled at how so many were more concerned about Russia meddling in our 2016 Presidential election than they were about what that meddling disclosed about Hillary Clinton. To me, by far the more troubling issue was the (lack of) integrity...

This Wall IS Worth Building

The man we all love to hate. The Donald? Close, at least he is for some, many so it SEEMS, but no. I’m not talking about The Donald. I’m talking about Kim Jong-un, that little creep whose family “deeded” over to him in 2014 at the ripe old and seasoned age of 32...

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