Check out Ron’s take on real world current events!
Where the lines between reality and fiction are worse than blurred.
Some might even say “alternative” reality or even “fake” reality.





The Olympians, 1964–2020

EDITORS NOTE: Today we have the honor of offering up a guest blog that we hope you will find interesting. It’s authored by Roy Tomizawa who has become a friend of this writer over the past few years. By way of some background: Japan was the host of the 1964 summer...

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When Too Much Is Not Enough

When is too much not enough? Some crazy new diet fad? Some nuclear arms race? A day at the beach? How about . . . leadership? I’ve been wrestling to figure out where I am on a couple of presidents. One is The Donald. We all know about him. The other is The Max. No,...

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What’s In A Brand?

What’s in a brand? To answer that question, one must begin with some form of definition. The answer may be scarier than you think. According to Wikipedia, a brand is a name, term, design, symbol or other feature that distinguishes an organization or product from its...

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The Donald, The Juice and The Me

We might call the past week the P week. P for pardon, that is. First, The Donald came up with a new premise. Since no one else is willing to pardon him for his alleged sins in coordinating (others might say colluding) with the Russians to assure his election, he’s...

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Dare We Use It . . . The B Word?

Dare We Use It . . . The B Word? I have a novel idea. Well, I’m not really sure how novel it is. But let’s give it a try. Here goes. First, I suggest we place a moratorium on Congressional investigations. And investigations of the investigations. And the...

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Remember Those Painful Report Cards?

Remember those painful report cards? Well, I sure do, to this day. I’m referring to the ones I received in grade school. The marks weren’t very impressive. My parents were then required to go meet with my teachers. The message my teachers delivered was always the...

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Me, Worried?

Last week, WikiLeaks published nearly 9,000 pages of documents purportedly detailing CIA hacking tools. Increasing numbers of private citizens are taking this message to heart. Those files suggest the spy agency has developed an array of cyber weapons that can let it...

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