Check out Ron’s take on real world current events!
Where the lines between reality and fiction are worse than blurred.
Some might even say “alternative” reality or even “fake” reality.
What’s In A Contest — And Which One?
What are those to do who feel (certainly not irrationally) that neither Trump nor Clinton are qualified to be President of one their local homeowners’ associations (don’t they each belong to many?), let alone the United States of America? The idea of creating an...
What . . . And Who’s Next?
Have you heard about next season’s FBI freshman class? Word has it that the FBI is now out there aggressively recruiting them younger and younger. Specifically, signing up school kids to report any suspicious classmates to them. So, if you’re kids spot any of their...
Stupid Is As Stupid Does
“Stupid is as stupid does.” – Forrest Gump, Alabama, July, 1994 Or how to make one a martyr in no time at all. So, what’s a sure fire remedy to increase Trump’s chances of winning Florida or Ohio today, if not North Carolina, Illinois and/or Missouri as well (and...
The Evolution of . . . Integrity
The evolution of . . . integrity. Once upon a time, in a far off land, people thought it was virtuous to . . . tell the truth. To tell it like it is. When someone did that, you didn’t put him or her up on a pedestal. Because it wasn’t that unusual. It was what people...
Is It Just Me?
Is it just me, or do you feel a . . . draft . . . coming on?Preview You do recall, sometime ago, that I began talking about dark horses and white knights? You remember. I said I had to mention it two ways to be sure I was PC—politically correct. Doesn’t ring any...
From Whence the Pendulum Came
In a recent blog, I spoke of the pendulum theory, pointing out the unfortunate overreaction to the second degree murder conviction and 30-year jail sentence imposed on a practicing physician for recklessly prescribing painkillers to three patients who died as a result...
No Chumps These Chimps
In April, 2015, in a lawsuit brought by two chimpanzees, a New York judge agreed with the chimps that all cognitively complex animals—including humans—are entitled to “their day in court.” No chumps these chimps. The court went on to grant their application for a writ...
Just Whose Status Are We Discussing Anyhow?
For those of you who’ve been asking (someone has been asking, right?) for a progress report on the status of my latest novel, 28: The Missing Amendment, here’s the executive summary: The novel is finished, written, rewritten, and rewritten again—that’s just how the...
Those Who Seem To Be Steppin’ On It (Or In It)
Seems like they just keep steppin' on it . . . or in it! Just take a couple from this past week, for instance. Which do you think is most stupid? By the way, I present them in the order in which they occurred so as to maintain my neutrality as to which actually is...
Anyone Home . . . Or Even In The Office?
How are things working these days with your doctors? I thought we might take a few minutes and compare notes. I remember the old days. When doctors made house calls. Now, they barely make office calls. Think I’m kidding? When’s the last time you were able to call your...