Stupid10“Stupid is as stupid does.” – Forrest Gump, Alabama, July, 1994

Or how to make one a martyr in no time at all.

So, what’s a sure fire remedy to increase Trump’s chances of winning Florida or Ohio today, if not North Carolina, Illinois and/or Missouri as well (and don’t forget the North Marianas):

Have a bunch of anti-trump professional agitators become violent and try to shut Trump rallies down.

Have Rubio and Kasich renege on their pledges to support the winning Republican candidate. (Only Cruz was too smart to sully or compromise his word and join Rubio’s and Kasich’s obvious desperate extortionist ploy: “Vote for me on Tuesday or watch the Republican party self destruct.” So, Rubio and Kasich now think Clinton or Sanders would be better after all? What has Trump done of late that is any worse than when they pledged to support him if he won the nomination? What has changed since their pledge? That would justify them going  back on their word? The only thing that has changed is the degree of their desperation. Trump is the same unqualified candidate he’s been since day one.)

Allow Trump to cry infringement of his free speech rights, heroically maintain his defiance, and rise up above it all. Our hero. And our martyr.

And, finally, . . . “Shake, don’t stir.” — James Bond, Goldfinger, 1964

(And, of course, allow bloggers to churn out a blog like this one in but a matter of seconds, and, better still, in very few words.)

“Desperation is as desperation does.” — Ron Barak, Pacific Palisades, California, March 15, 2016

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