Growing Up Isn’t What It Used To Be, Is It?

Editor’s Note: This from a friend, with a little bit of editing from yours truly: Growing up isn’t what it used to be, is it? But how you feel about what follows may depend on just when you grew up! And whether today you’re running 10Ks or practicing tai chi....

What You See Is Not Always What You Get

In The Eyes Of . . . The Judgmental Beholder I consider myself reasonably informed. I read a lot of newspapers, including The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, The Los Angeles Times, and a number of online news services. Sometimes I even check out what’s trending on...

Underdogs and Oversight

The Common Threads What do the police and Black Lives Matter (BLM) have in common? A problem with guns? Well, yes. Too many people with access to guns who shouldn’t have such access. Or guns. And too many people who must of necessity be entitled to have guns, but who...


As reported in the news last week: A 54-year-old college custodian who cleaned classrooms at night and studied engineering by day is putting down his janitor’s broom for the last time. Michael Vaudreuil started working the night shift at Massachusetts’ Worcester...

Contests and Communities

Some of The Field People play at all kinds of contests. Some for fun. Some more seriously. Let’s look at a few examples: How about sports? We have team sports. Football. Basketball. We have individual sports. Golf. Tennis. Contests one and all. No? Wouldn’t you also...

Once More . . . With FEELING

Adrianne Haslet-Davis was standing in a crowd of spectators at the 2013 Boston Marathon, watching her heroes, when explosions ripped through the crowd. She lost the lower part of her left leg. But she survived. Because, after all, she is . . . a survivor....

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