The Clock is Ticking

Editor’s Note: This is for all you out there (?) who think lawyers can do no wrong, and are . . . our heroes! Hello. Anyone still there, still reading? You should be, it’ll give you some (more) ammunition. Most professionals belong to one or more trade...

What Then When Da Judge Loses His . . . Judgment

Editor’s Note: Warning, this blog is a bit lengthy. It’s worth reading, but you may want to break it up and take it in parts, perhaps the first two in the first sitting and the second two in the second sitting. However, for what it’s worth, I wrote...

Like Father, Like Sons and Daughters

In 2014, President Obama issued an “executive order” extending “temporary” protection against deportation to nearly 5 million undocumented immigrants. Texas and 25 other states filed suit seeking to invalidate and bar Obama’s action on...

The Straw that Broke The Camel’s Back: Hypocrisy Or Hippocracy

Starting June 9, under a concept euphemistically known as “aid-in-dying,” terminally ill Californians can request prescriptions from physicians for medications that would allow them to end their lives. This is not to be confused with euthanasia, under which a third...

All That Ails You: Psst, Have I Got A Deal For You!

We’ve all seen those full page ads in our daily newspapers, right? They’re there every single day. The ones claiming miracle cures for our backs, our knees, our migraine headaches, our neuropathy, the excess inches on our waistlines, and whatever else ails us. Or the...

The N Word Or The P Word: The Oxycontin Settlement

The P Word You all know about the . . . N word, right? I want to slide us a couple of letters further along the scale of the alphabet song and have a conversation about . . . the P word. Can you tell me what the P word is? No? Okay, let me give you a hint. Oh, let’s...

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