It’s a Tough Job, But . . .

In a blog earlier this week on gun control, I was critical of all the investigation into the background and motives of the two San Bernardino terrorists. I wanted solutions, not explanations. My impatience was misplaced. The value of all of this investigation,...

. . . GUNS!

EDITOR’S NOTE: As Mark Twain, put it, I apologize for the length of this blog. If I’d had more time, I could have made it shorter. But I don’t have more time. And neither do any of us when it comes to what our political representatives are allowing to happen in...

Who’s Smarter?

According to The Wall Street Journal, young people are smarter than the Obama administration had expected. For the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare, to work, millions of healthy adults under age 35 without health insurance have to buy coverage on the...


  Not me. Not possible. Couldn’t be.   I couldn’t be. Could I? Am I?     Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

You Do The Math

New research by Michigan State political scientist Corwin Smidt confirms that the percentage of voters who are truly “independent,” swinging from party to party, has plunged from 15 percent in the 1960s to just 5 percent today. Crossing over party lines to vote for...

Victims . . . Or Bullies? Continued

Editor’s Note: Originally offered as a comment to my recent original blog by this title, I thought the comment was worthy of a guest blog and the author, Koichi Mera, graciously agreed. Koichi was a Fulbright Scholar at, and holds a PhD in City & Regional Planning...

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