by Ron Barak | Apr 26, 2016
I was having drinks the other afternoon after a round of golf with an old friend who was visiting from out of town. We got to talking about politics, of course, and he told me the following story about one of the members of Congress from his home state. I figured it...
by Ron Barak | Apr 19, 2016
There were a couple of interesting and newsworthy developments last week that got me . . . thinking. The Players One concerned Kobe. The other pertains to Leslie. You all know who I’m talking about, right? Not necessary for me to say Bryant or van Houten. Right?...
by Ron Barak | Apr 7, 2016
This can can. But should it? What does San Francisco have in common with India? They both have a shortage of public bathrooms. True story! In their infinite wisdom, San Francisco lawmakers have come up with a fix: Outdoor urinals! They’re leaving India . . . in...
by Ron Barak | Mar 29, 2016
We all get those emails from “Bank of America,” “Chase Bank,” “American Express,” and on and on, telling us how we need to click on the link in the email to update our accounts, give them our social security numbers, etc., etc., on threat of shutting down our accounts...
by Ron Barak | Mar 3, 2016
In a recent blog, I spoke of the pendulum theory, pointing out the unfortunate overreaction to the second degree murder conviction and 30-year jail sentence imposed on a practicing physician for recklessly prescribing painkillers to three patients who died as a result...
by Ron Barak | Jan 21, 2016
As a lawyer, I’ve always found it helpful to the lawyer-client relationship to get to know my client and to allow my client to get to know me as well. Is it required? No. Of Course not. Is there a formula of how to go about this, or how far to go in cultivating a...