The world lost an amazing and brilliant human being to cancer on Halloween of 2018: Eileen Corrigan Lonergan. She also happened to be my web designer – no, web GURU – and a dear, dear friend.

I knew that I had to pay tribute to her in my next novel, PAYBACK, so I wrote her in as a character. Recently her husband Eugene took to Facebook to share what it was like to read about his dearly departed wife in a book. He also wrote about making my books available at the Elizabeth Taber Library in Massachusetts – a true honor indeed. To say his post was one of the highlights of my summer would be an understatement.

Writing characters is an adventure, especially when you’re a “pantser” – you NEVER know where they’re going to take you! – and when you write in the thriller genre. Writing your friends into those adventures? Well… it’s become one of my favorite reasons for writing, the wonderful people you get to meet and enjoy along the way! 😊

Just wanted to share this moment with you, Writing Community! I hope you’re staying safe and well, having a wonderful week and are reading great books. 🤩📚

Click to Read Eugene Lonergan's Post

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